
Showing posts from December, 2013

Afan's Song - Across the Ocean(海洋兩端)

阿璠的歌 - 海洋兩端 Afan's Song - Across the Ocean 曲: 阿璠 / 詞: Chiyo Music/Arrange/Vocal: Afan Lyrics: Chiyo 每個寫歌的人都有自己的風格 我寫的歌 反映著每個不同時間時空下的我 Every song writer has his/her own style, and as for me, my songs, they represent each page of my life. I record my emotion by writing my music. 在芝加哥念書的時候常去密西根湖岸坐 雖然是湖 還比較像平靜的海 大到可以把台灣整個放進來還綽綽有餘 不想一個人呆在家裡 所以常常跑到湖邊去散心 一般觀光客是看熱鬧 我則是一邊看湖一邊讓自己平靜 I like to walk along the shores of Lake Michigan every once in a while when I studied in Chicago. Though it's called "Lake" Michigan, bigger than my hometown Taiwan, it's more like a sea with calm tide to me. If I don't want to stay at home, I often went to the lake and sit there just watching the people or the tide to relax. 歌的旋律代表著當時克難的我 湖面搖阿搖 晃阿晃 船劃過的浪花讓我想起了家的味道 由於是經濟拮据的情況下來到這裡念書 當時手邊的錢實在不夠 再怎麼想家想朋友 也不能隨便回去 This song melody represents what I was feeling at that time. By watching the tide up and down, and the spindrift crossed by tourist boats, it remin...