
Showing posts from April, 2014

Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now (Afan's Cover)

歌詞會讀人心 它早早的寫在那裏 在某個時刻不知不覺的給你狠狠一拳 好像在說"白癡! 我早就告訴過你了" 一邊翻譯著 一邊苦笑著 另一個冷靜的自己在這個平行空間中嘲笑著自己 翻譯完整篇歌詞發現其實並沒有完全按照逐字翻譯 與其說翻譯, 倒不如說是在翻譯自己的心情 但如今, 一切都成為泡影 換來的只是落人笑柄 記住不能讓人發現, 要裝作自己不在意 不要讓自己表露無疑 我嚐到了愛情的甜與苦 付出了,得到了,但結局怎麼是這樣呢? 原來一切只是我對愛情的憧憬 關於愛情, 我真的不懂 I really don't know love at all   我還有勇氣去愛嗎? Both Sides Now Music, Lyrics: Joni Mitchell 中文翻譯: Afan 阿璠 Rows and flows of angel hair                         像天使的頭髮一絲一縷的飄動著 And ice cream castles in the air                      像空中築起的冰淇淋城堡 And feather canyons everywhere,                  像舖滿羽毛的峽谷 I've looked at clouds that way.                      曾經, 我以為雲永遠是這樣的 But now they only block the sun,                   但如今, 它們遮住了陽光 They rain and snow on everyone                    給每個人帶來了雨水和雪花 So many things I would have done,                那麼多的夢想還等待著我 But clouds got in my way.                                而它們卻遮住了我的去路 I've looked at clouds from both sides now      我看見了雲朵不同的面貌 From up an

蔡健雅 - 拋物線(Afan's Cover)

I n my car, you said you would love to hear more songs of mine. Now it's a little bit ironic to think of your words. You were just saying, but I took it gratefully remember your words deeply in my heart. I guess I'm a believer, believing in love again.    "Busy" is just a nice way to make an excuse. The truth is you don't want to spend time on me, my feeling, or anything related to me. I guess you probably never find I'm here.  You didn't, wouldn't, and won't.  By the time I was scared to step out for a new relationship, you invited me a George Winston concert. By the time I thought you probably just want to be friends, you treated me as your boyfriend on Valentine's week. By the time I was confused in texting you my care or not, you told me just do what I want and my text is never a bothering for you. By the time I was surprised to see you in January rehearsal, you said you'd love to sing with me every week. By the time