The Weepies - Take It from Me (Afan version)

The Weepies - Take It from Me (Afan version)
Music and Lyrics: Steve Tannen/Deb Talan
From the album of "Say I Am You"by The Weepies

Old recordings time:
I’ve blogged it in my old blog earlier this year.

Have you heard of The Weepies? This couple, Deb Talan and Steven Tannen call themselves as a group name. I bought their music from iTunes just because the cover of this album "Say I am You" is adorable. (I know, call me superficial)  Luckily, I like what I bought. These two music companions, also kids' Mom & Dad, they play, they sing, and they transform all the inspiration in their lives into their music. I like to listen to their music on a Sunday afternoon. Both of them have a special nasal tone. Maybe it is from the tender and sensitive side deep inside their hearts.

The Weepies是由Deb Talan、Steve Tannen
我對The Weeppies認識不多
當我開始使用iTunes時 發現上面有一張專輯的封面很可愛
女主唱跟男主唱是一對創作夥伴 一對情侶 一對小孩的爸媽 一對夫妻
一邊聽  一邊跟著彈吉他跟著唱

Weepies’ version of “Take it from Me” is rich and colorful. Mine is….hmm…. simpleJ. I arrange my cover with a keyboard, an electric guitar, and my voice. I met someone making my heartbeat super fast recently, though I was having a bad day when I sang this song. It makes me happy.

用一把電吉他+電子琴 還有一些自己唱的和音

Here is the lyrics and my translation in Chinese of this song:
The Weepies - Take It from Me(afan version)

What can I compare you to, a favorite pair of shoes
要用甚麼來形容你呢  最喜愛的一雙鞋?
Maybe my bright red boots if they had wings
恩....應該是我那雙紅靴子吧 最好(像綠野仙蹤裡面的桃樂絲那雙一樣)有翅膀
It's funny how we animate colorful objects saved
Funny how it's hard to take a love with no sting.
有趣的是 這樣直接無暇的愛 一開始總讓人感到懷疑而難以接受

But come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你
Come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你

Come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你

What can I compare you to, a window the sun shines through?
要用甚麼來形容你呢 有陽光和許照進的窗戶
Maybe the silver moon, a smile rising
也可以是銀色的月亮  有慢慢上升的笑臉那種
The magic of the fading day, satellites on parade
日子會消逝 但換個角度想人造衛星還在地球軌道遊行一樣轉阿轉
A toast to the plans we've made to live like kings.
不需感傷,為我們兩個的生活那麼精彩 乾杯!

I lose my breath despite the air
When the rain falls down I give in to despair
Pink magnolia in winter, she doesn't care
即使粉色玉蘭花在冬天開了  也沒人在意了
if you don't show up to have another cup.
這一切都是因為你  如果不想跟我在一起了

What can I compare you to, when everything looks like you?
要用甚麼來形容你呢 和你在一起我無法注意任何的東西了
I get a bit confused with every Spring
Flowers that bloom your eyes, hummingbirds side by side
你的眼睛綻放的像花一樣  蜂鳥總是跟著你身邊繞阿繞
My heart won't stay entirely in this rib caging.

But come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你
Come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你
Come on take it, come on take it, take it from me
但來就來吧 請讓我愛你

We've had a good life.


  1. 很棒

    1. 謝謝你的鼓勵與回應, 我也很高興


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