
Showing posts from 2013

Afan's Song - Across the Ocean(海洋兩端)

阿璠的歌 - 海洋兩端 Afan's Song - Across the Ocean 曲: 阿璠 / 詞: Chiyo Music/Arrange/Vocal: Afan Lyrics: Chiyo 每個寫歌的人都有自己的風格 我寫的歌 反映著每個不同時間時空下的我 Every song writer has his/her own style, and as for me, my songs, they represent each page of my life. I record my emotion by writing my music. 在芝加哥念書的時候常去密西根湖岸坐 雖然是湖 還比較像平靜的海 大到可以把台灣整個放進來還綽綽有餘 不想一個人呆在家裡 所以常常跑到湖邊去散心 一般觀光客是看熱鬧 我則是一邊看湖一邊讓自己平靜 I like to walk along the shores of Lake Michigan every once in a while when I studied in Chicago. Though it's called "Lake" Michigan, bigger than my hometown Taiwan, it's more like a sea with calm tide to me. If I don't want to stay at home, I often went to the lake and sit there just watching the people or the tide to relax. 歌的旋律代表著當時克難的我 湖面搖阿搖 晃阿晃 船劃過的浪花讓我想起了家的味道 由於是經濟拮据的情況下來到這裡念書 當時手邊的錢實在不夠 再怎麼想家想朋友 也不能隨便回去 This song melody represents what I was feeling at that time. By watching the tide up and down, and the spindrift crossed by tourist boats, it remin...

コブクロ - 流星(Afan Version)

コブクロ 可苦可樂 - 流星 (Afan version) Kobukuro - Shooting Star(Afan version) 詞曲:小渕健太郎 Music and Lyrics:  小渕健太郎 選自可苦可樂-流星單曲EP and "流れ星"原聲帶 From the album of the original soundtrack of " 流れ星 "by  コブクロ 可苦可樂 Old recordings time: I’ve blogged it in my old blog earlier in 2010. 舊錄音時間  在2010時發佈在我之前舊的blog上面 I saw the first episode of the Japanese drama  '流れ星' in Kyoto. At that time, I was traveling in Kansai area of Japan in 2010. During the whole trip, I was kind of keeping up with their weekly drama series on Japanese TV accidentally and watched in my hotel. Though my Japanese is a totally disaster, by recognizing some words, guessing, and my own imagination, I was still having a great time of watching Japanese drama.  2010.10月跟爸媽還有老姊姑姑全家去關西來個家庭旅遊 所以剛好有整整一個禮拜的時間跟上了本季日劇的檔次 看著無字幕瘋狂考驗日文聽力還有看圖說故事的能力的劇情 本季月九檔的日劇'流れ星' 仍然震撼了我 流れ星  means a shooting star, casts including Takenouchi Yutaka, Aya Ueto, Shot...

孫燕姿 - 世說心語(Afan version)

孫燕姿 - 世說心語(Afan version) Stefanie Sun - A Voice Within(Afan verison) 詞Lyrics: 林怡芬/Jay Lim 曲Music: Jay Lim 選自孫燕姿"是時候 It's Time"專輯 From the album of "It's Time" by Stefanie Sun Old recordings time: I've blogged it in my old blog in early 2011. At that time, I felt like I was trapped in somewhere and afraid to meet new people. And then I heard this song "A Voice Within" by my idol Stefanie Sun. The lyrics inspired me and I decided to record my own version. I put a lot of effort into this arrangement, which took me about 3 weeks to finish the whole background instruments and voice harmony recording. Stefanie is my favorite singer. Yes, I don't use one of blahblahblah. I love her! I remember some friends questioning that I probably have my own studio after they listen to my version. Well, fellas, you're all wrong. All I have is my Garage Band built in my iMac. How could I afford those super expensive music industry equipment...

The Weepies - Take It from Me (Afan version)

The Weepies - Take It from Me (Afan version) Music and Lyrics: Steve Tannen/Deb Talan From the album of "Say I Am You"by The Weepies Old recordings time: I’ve blogged it in my old blog earlier this year. Have you heard of The Weepies? This couple, Deb Talan and Steven Tannen call themselves as a group name. I bought their music from iTunes just because the cover of this album "Say I am You" is adorable. (I know, call me  superficial)   Luckily, I like what I bought. These two music companions, also kids' Mom & Dad, they play, they sing, and they transform all the inspiration in their lives into their music. I like to listen to their music on a Sunday afternoon. Both of them have a special nasal tone. Maybe it is from the tender and sensitive side deep inside their hearts. 你聽過Weepies(哭調阿)嗎? The Weepies是由Deb Talan、Steve Tannen 這對音樂夫妻組成 我對The Weeppies認識不多 當我開始使用iTunes時 發現上面有一張專輯的封面很可愛 所以我就買了(典型的神經病型購物) 湊巧正中我喜好 女主唱跟男主唱是一對創作夥...

Lara Fabian - Il ne manquait que toi (Afan version)

Lara Fabian - Il ne manquait que toi from the album "9" by Lara Fabian Covered by Afan H. 很久沒有唱法文歌了 但今天很想唱這首歌,特別是在和一位朋友講完電話之後 可惜它只有法文原版 她鼓勵我要多唱歌釋放情緒 然後向前 現在她雖然距離我很遙遠了 但我們友情似乎更好了 It's been a while to sing French songs again. This song came to me tonight after talking to a special friend of mine through phone. Unfortunately, it only has its original language version. (I was going to find whether there is English version of this song to sing it.) She always encourages me release the feeling inside me by singing out loud and move on. Now she's far away from me, but our friendship will be as always. il ne manquait que toi ( 你是我唯一的遺憾 ) 加拿大天后級歌手Lara Fabian在2005年所推出的專輯"9"中的一首歌 我是從好朋友法力的部落格聽到這首歌 想不起來法力當初為什麼放這首歌在上面 但我一聽就記起來了 主要是旋律很好聽  好聽到芭樂程度有100分吧 而且歌詞很簡單 簡單到連我這種三角貓都可以學起來 學法文很有趣  但一個不小心很容易讓人覺得有老痰卡在喉嚨 il ne manquait que toi (Here were only you missing.) comes from  Lara Fabian 2005 album "9". I heard this song f...

魏如萱 - 晚安晚安(Afan version)

魏如萱 - 晚安晚安(Afan version) Waa Wei - Good night, Good night (Afan version) 詞曲:魏如萱 Music& Lrics:Waa Wei 選自魏如萱"不允許哭泣的場合" From her album "No Crying" "晚安" 好像在說"我愛你"一樣 尤其在兩個人講完電話之後 是一種微妙的默契 想起來過去的某些日子裡也有這樣的感覺 "Good night!" Sometimes, this word sounds like more of saying "I love you" to me, especially when you're talking to the one you feel special on the phone. It's like a secret word flowing in the air. I have felt that way in the past, for someone. 前陣子在整理照片的時後突然想起這首歌 看到某些封存在照片裡的美好記憶時 大笑還有點笑中帶淚 想起來那些日子裡跟人通過電話說晚安的感覺 雖然我沒有明說 但那句晚安其實是我在表達我有多愛你的意思 While I was organizing old photos months ago, this song came to me, probably because of the memories sealed in the old pictures. I was smiling, or maybe a little bit tearing at the same time. It reminds me that I was so happy at that moment of saying "Good night" to someone on the phone before. This "Good night" is my version of ...

Ivan & Alyosha - Running for Cover (Afan version)

Ivan & Alyosha - Running for Cover (afan version) from Ivan & Alyosha album "All the Times We Had" 在短暫的流浪之後, 沒錯各位觀眾的期待(哪裡?), 終於我決定在這裡定下來了 Finally, I settle here after s a short break of drifting. 在芝加哥念書一個人住在單人宿舍裡 (美國稱Studio,同時具有雙關語,可翻譯為錄音室又有單人房的意思) While I lived in a studio by myself in Chicago, 因為寂寞所以唱歌錄起來給自己聽,當作一種聲音的日記 I was lonely, so spent most of my time singing and recording as my own voice diary. 錄自己的聲音,寫自己的心情然後放在一個網路空間裡, 已經成為一種可以舒緩自我壓力的救贖方式 Recorded, wrote, and posted on a blog. I found that it really helps relieve my pressure and becomes a redemption to me. 雖然中華電信Xuite對於我的翻唱有定義上的爭議, 沒關係, 此處不留爺自有留爺處 Though Xuite doesn't allow me to put on my songs there anymore, it's FINE! I'll go find another blog place. XD 對於還沒去過我在Xuite隨意窩的人, Hey, 歡迎你來到這裡我的新家(還家哩?明明就只是個部落格) For those of you who haven't visited my old blog on, hey, welcome to my new place(mm...... technically, it's a web space only.)  中文名:阿璠的Studio The...